Sitework is the process of preparing the building site for construction. This process can be described as a series of activities performed at a construction site, yet many people do not understand its importance. What is sitework and what does it entail?
Site Work
Sitework is the process of preparing the building site for construction. This process can be described as a series of activities performed at a construction site, yet many people do not understand its importance. What is sitework and what does it entail?
To ensure that a structure is built properly, is built in a safe and stable area, and is safe to use, sitework involves a range of preparations. These preparations include:
Clearing and Grubbing
During this process, vegetation such as bushes, shrubs, trees, and other plants are removed from the area. There may be other processes involved with clearing and grubbing depending on the type and amount of vegetation involved, as well as environmental considerations.
Stabilization of the subgrade
All the levels of soil below the topsoil are stabilized as a means of ensuring that the ground beneath the construction site is stable and will not cave in when constructed upon. In the event that this step in sitework is not carried out well or completed, a building may suffer major structural damage or cracks in its foundation.
Shoring and erosion control during excavation
The purpose of excavation in a construction site is to eliminate excess soil and rocks. We are talking about a very intensive step that requires experienced workers, huge equipment, and a lot of expertise.
Water and Drainage Systems
The last stage of the sitework process will determine whether a construction is poorly constructed or wonderfully finished. In a building site, drainage systems will be utilized to remove excess stormwater and force it out of the area, preventing damage to equipment and other items. Water systems will be developed to bring in clean water and subsequently pump out wastewater throughout the area.
All-Site Construction’s goal is to provide our clients with the best products, experience, and work ethics possible through reliable construction services. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require experienced site work for your construction project.